Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Princesses

Here are the Thanksgiving princesses. Felicia, Hannah and me!

This is Princess Felicia and Princess Hannah.

This is me and Felicia!
Tanya, Daniel, Felicia, Hannah and Josiah all got here a little bit ago. Ok I guess that's all I wanted to say. lol.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I have off school off thursday and friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy :) I am also happy cuz tomarrow my sister's start coming! I can't wait to see them. They are probably all getting so big. Well I guess that's it for now!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I am taking the watch off my christmas list cuz I just got one today!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Christmas list

This year I cut back on what I put on my list.
*=most wanted
1.Toby Keith Greatest hits 2 c.d.
2.*Carpenter's gold edition (2 c.d.)
3.*Digital camera
4.cute pagamas
5.*watch skirt
8.*pink girl's yankee baseball hat
9.cute slippers
10.cute hair accesories
12.*scrapbooking kit
13.*anything pooh bear
14. lip gloss
15.toe socks
16.*cord for internet for my computer
17.*mp3 player speakers
18. new church shoes
19.*adidas perfume
20.*american girl doll brush
21.*track phone and card
23.*sticker maker
24.*Brent Vernon c.d.-A thousand pictures

So that's my list. So all of my sisters don't have to call and ask what I want! (well that's not the whole list.)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Thanksgiving is just a couple weeks away!!!!!!!!!!!!! That means I get to see all of my nieces and nephews and my sisters and their husbands. I can't wait to have all of my sisters together under 1 roof. I also can't wait to see how big D.J. and Brandon have gotton since I last saw them (which I think was in march) well I guess that's it for now!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Are you looking at my man?!?!?!?!?

I love this picture. This is my Are you looking at my man face.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Youth Rally

This Friday is another youth rally. It is a Thanksgiving dinner at the Hope Community Center in Brushton. Aurora, Joy and Heidi are coming. After the youth rally Joy might be having a sleepover at her house. It should be pretty fun. We have sleepovers A LOT up here. Like every other weekend somebody has a sleepover. I have one once a month after every youth rally but we might go to Joy's house. She has to ask her mom. Her mom pretty much always says yes!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Here I made a fish!

I thought this picture was cute!

I took this yesterday!

Friday, November 7, 2008

IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so happy. Today is the last day of the week and it's also the last day of school for this week. I was up late doing school last night because I didn't do it during the day so mom makes me do it before I go to bed if I don't get it done. I hate school. It's boring and I don't care about the people in the olden days. I don't care how you can find the big and small dippers in the sky. Well anyway I am just happy that it's Friday. Friday used to be my favorite day of the whole week but now Saturday is. Oh well...I guess that's it for now!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election party

Tonight we are going to an election party at Donny and Wendy Straight's house. It starts at 6:00. It should be pretty fun! I can't wait. My friend Joy is going to be there. I went shopping with her and her mom earlier. We didn't go many places. We just went to the dollar general and to Mcdonalds.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Jordan's Halloween costume

This is Jordan in his Halloween costume. He is such a cute little pumpkin. He was the cutest trick or treater I saw all night.